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The Real Ghost Stories

Scratches And Bites 

Sleep Paralysis Or A Demon? 

This happened early in March or April, but I had taken a new sleeping pill, but it didn't seem to be working

So at 11:30 I got up, used the restroom, and came back to my bed

The moment I lay on my back I had left this world

I couldn't not move, breathe or speak

Commonly known as sleep paralysis

My jaw was locked as I tried to scream

In my left ear was a horrible roaring, like some creature out of a movie. In my mind I saw myself dancing with a man, a man in clothes from another century as was my gown

When that image faded I saw an ancient cathedral, with tolling bells in the distance

Eventually I was able to open my eyes; it was as if my body has been released

But to my horror at the foot of my bed was a shadow. Thick and black, seeming to have no shape, yet I saw a bald head, large dark eyes of obsidian and a leering grin

He/it just stood there and I closed my eyes for only a second but when I opened them again he was gone

I looked at the clock


Only a half-hour had passed yet it felt like seconds

I was so scared I could only lie there under the covers, not daring to look back at the foot of my bed. I don't know what he/it was, or why I've experienced sleep paralysis all my life, when the average person only has it about twice in their life

I've researched the topic many times, from the legends of a witch sitting on your chest, to the incubus that like to stalk the women at night. Being an insomniac I have NEVER fallen asleep as fast as I did that night

I want to know more about what I saw and experienced. 
